
Messy Middle 

Who is WEAK?

Bullies/Abusers exploit the vulnerable.  Every individual named is a bully/abuser who has deeply-seated issues within that, apparently, I trigger.  Only a few are familiar to me.  I do not know many of these individuals.  They crossed my path during these two assaults, and they took an opportunity to abuse me and their power in the situation.  Every individual shown did the wrong thing to me whether, or not, they admit it.  I reported five primary perpetrators to the F.B.I. as having committed crimes against me.  Any others reported were accessories/participants.  Of course, abusers try to deflect from their behavior, onto their victim, by using derogatory labels that belong on them.  I stood my ground in each assault.  Each assault was serious crime against me that has disrupted my life for fourteen years.  I have been diagnosed with Depression/Anxiety and chronic Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.  The truth has been documented with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

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